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Better Life Chiropractic FAQs

question marks cut out of paperCommon Answers to Questions We Hear

Like other chiropractors, at Better Life Chiropractic we hear many questions from new and current chiropractic patients. Below are answers to some of the most common questions we are asked.

If you have other questions not addressed here, call us. We’re here to answer your questions and make you feel comfortable and at home with your chiropractic care.


What will this cost?

Patients are often concerned about cost containment, and we are too. We work for the good of the patient, and will never recommend anything other than what’s necessary for your health and well-being.

First, we’ll find your problem and put together a plan to help. We are very clear about costs up front, and provide you with payment options, so you can decide what works best for you.

Do you accept insurance?

Yes, we are in network with most insurance carriers, and we will do a courtesy benefit verification for you. We also accept automobile assignments.

Can you identify my problem? And what if you cannot help me?

We answer these questions thoroughly on your first visit. After performing an examination, we’ll tell you if we can help. We don’t provide care that won’t help you. And we’ll refer you to a medical doctor or another specialist if we think that’s best in your case.

Do I have choices?

Your health is always your choice—it’s never our way or the highway. We’ll recommend a care plan we think is best for you, after getting a thorough understanding of your case and condition. You can then choose the care you want. Sometimes, patients choose simply to receive relief care; know that you’re welcome to come back later. Our door is always open.

Will it hurt?

No, our adjustments are very comfortable.


FAQs at Better Life Chiropractic | (208) 884-5000